How to protect the forest, rules of conduct in the forest

The importance of forests on our planet cannot be overestimated. Now they occupy about a third of the land area, but even in our enlightened age, when the detrimental effects of deforestation are widely known, the volume of tree felling is still several times greater than their natural restoration. If people together used 10 simple ways to save the forest in everyday life, then the problem of over-cutting trees would not exist.

10 simple ways to save the forest

  1. Use fewer disposable paper napkins . On average, a person uses about 6 paper napkins per day and about 2200 per year. Imagine how much all of humanity uses, and it is trees that are used to produce napkins, like other paper;
  2. Print on both sides of office paper . Tens of millions of tons of office paper are thrown away every year, and it takes 24 trees to produce just 1 ton of A4 office paper. Double-sided printing will also be a great way to save money in the office, and many successful companies have long been abandoning paper workflow in favor of electronic;
  3. Do not throw old newspapers in the trash, but collect and systematically send them for recycling . Believe it or not, this will save over half a million trees in just one week;
  4. Save wrapping paper , which many, having received a gift, ruthlessly tear to pieces and send it to the trash can. Show your imagination by giving gifts, use, for example, old geographical maps, your own drawings or even magazine sheets for packaging. So you will benefit the forests, and also show off your creativity;
  5. Buy drinks in cardboard cups as little as possible , at work, for example, also use your mug instead of disposable cups. This will at least improve the taste of the drink, and as a maximum, it will save the extra tree;
  6. When traveling, use online tickets more often . The cost of processing an online order is simply negligible on a global scale compared to the cost of wood for the production of paper tickets;
  7. While in the forest, follow fire safety rules , as fires destroy millions of hectares of forest annually, and when extinguishing such fires, substances that harm the environment are used;
  8. When relaxing in nature, do not leave any garbage behind – plastic utensils, bags, cans, glass bottles and other items that decompose not for decades, but for hundreds of years. Teach your children, by example, how to conserve the forest and treat nature with due respect;
  9. If you are a city dweller, then take part in subbotniks organized by local authorities and volunteer organizations more often. Contribute to the improvement and cleansing of forests, thus joining the restoration of nature;
  10. Plant a tree . Anywhere, at least in your yard, at least somewhere in the forest or in a special farm for growing forests. In modern conditions, this is the lot of not only every real man (except for building a house and raising a son, as folk wisdom says), but also a necessary measure to preserve nature.

Rules of conduct in the forest

In order to prevent fires in the natural environment, it is prohibited:

  • throw burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags in the forest;
  • build a fire in dense thickets and young coniferous growth, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber and peat warehouses, in close proximity to mature crops;
  • leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: a rag and rags soaked in oil, gasoline, glassware, which in sunny weather can focus the sun’s beam and ignite dry vegetation;
  • burn dry grass in forest glades, in gardens, in fields, under trees;
  • set fire to reeds;
  • make a fire in windy weather and leave it unattended;
  • leave the fire burning after leaving the parking lot.

Visit forests responsibly:

  • if possible, set up tents in specially designated places;
  • use marked trails and eco-trails whenever possible, they are safe and you will not disturb wild animals;
  • do not turn on loud music, it can disturb wild birds and animals;
  • be careful with the fire, make it in specially designated places, take into account the fire hazard period;
  • don’t leave trash behind;
  • DO NOT pick flowers – they will quickly wither, it is better to take a photo for memory;
  • do not break bushes and tree branches for a fire, for this there is dry brushwood in the forest.