Protection of forests from fires and damage

The forest hospitably welcomes all who seek rest in it, but it needs selfless help. It cannot protect its wealth or put meters on its own. Our conscience should be such a “counter”. Unfortunately, there are still people who believe that everything is allowed in the forest: you can make fires, leave garbage, break trees, trample, tear and destroy vegetation. They do not care that not only vegetation burns out in the place of the fire, but also the land on which nothing grows for three or four years.

In some places of mass recreation, 100-250 traces of fires remain on each hectare. Around them, there are broken branches, trees damaged by fire, notches and inscriptions on trees, paper, cans, plastic bags, etc. In places of mass recreation, in particular in green areas of cities, the sounds of transistors are heard everywhere, and therefore animals and birds run away from there, birds can not raise chicks. And where there are no birds, pests multiply, which cause great damage to the forest.

Often people come to the forest who do not know the rules of behavior in it, their love for the forest is only consumer. That is why it is very important to spread knowledge about the forest among the population, especially students. The better they know the forest, the more consciously they will love it, take care of it. Not thoughtless contemplation of natural beauty, but deep and conscious understanding of its phenomena and connections between them is the task of every cultural person.

Reasonable use of the gifts of nature is an inalienable human right. However, it is unacceptable to destroy and damage trees. Each damage is a gateway for various infections. Trees try to heal their wounds, spend a lot of vitality on it, and die prematurely.

Forest fires cause great damage to forests. This is a terrible disaster not only for woody vegetation, but also for all living things. The main reason for their occurrence is violation of fire rules by tourists and other people who are in the forest. Not only trees die, but also birds, animals, forest litter and topsoil burn out.

In a few minutes, fire can destroy what has grown over several decades. Fire causes enormous damage even when it spreads only on the ground and does not spread to the crowns of trees. In this case, the forest litter burns, beneficial insects and microorganisms die. Fire weakens trees. They are attacked by pests, and eventually the trees die.

In the forest, especially in dry weather, fire safety rules should be strictly observed. Campfires are allowed in exceptional cases in wet weather only to those who are doing some work in the forest. Before making a fire on the lawn, remove the sod in the designated place and take it aside. Dry grass is torn out on the lawn. If the soil is peaty, it is strictly forbidden to make a fire, because it can lead to an underground fire.